Natural Way to Remove Sun Tan Permanently

Summer season is the season of holidays, but is also a season of problems related to skin. Sun burn or tan is a common problem of summer season faces by everyone. We generally forget to protect our skin from harsh rays of sun. and the result is visible in just few days. For this people use sun screens and also visit luxury beauty salons centers to get some beauty care or skincare treatments. But there are few who cannot afford to go beauty salon all the time. So, for them here are few natural remedies to remove sun tan. In this article we will discuss the natural way to remove sun tan permanently using the ingredients that are easily available in your kitchen.

Lemon Juice

Lemon has the ability to solve almost any type of skin issues. It has Vitamin C and citric acid that acts as a natural bleaching that lighten and brighten your skin complexion. There are various uses of lemons for skin brightening, whitening or lightening. So, here how can you use lemons to remove sun tan.

What you need to do

  • Take a lemon and cut it into half and then rub the piece or lemon juice directly on your face or affected area.

  • Keep it for few minutes and then wash it off with normal water.

Do this once daily or twice for better results. After few days only you will be able to see a good result.

Turmeric and Gram Flour Pack

Since the ancient times, turmeric have been used to treat sprains and swelling but was also the beauty secret of women at that time. This remedy still works best for your skin. Turmeric has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory component. Gram floor also so many benefits for skin. So, you can use turmeric and gram flour pack to remove tan.

Here’s know how you can make this pack:

  • Take 2 tablespoon of gram flour or besan and a pinch of turmeric.

  • Add yogurt and few drop of lemon juice.

  • Mix it well.

  • Apply all over your face and keep it for 20 mins before you hit the shower.

You can use this pack daily before shower for better results.

Baking Soda

Almost found in every kitchen, Baking soda is one of the best remedies of sun tan. What makes the baking soda a wonderful ingredient to remove sun tan is its -mild exfoliating property. Baking soda can help to reduce a serious tan, either use it simply with water or lemon juice and apply all over your face and neck.

Take 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Add water or lemon juice to make a paste.

Apply it on affected area and keep it for few minutes before rinsing it off.

Do this on alternate days to get better results.

There are many other things also that you can use to remove sun tan like potato juice, plain yogurt, aloe vera, etc. Use any of the above remedies once daily or weekly as advised and get a

flaless skin even in this scorching hot summer season.

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